Askia Karin is a Cameroonian rapper/afropop artist with birthday “June 6th”. She is of the Oroko ethnic group , South West Cameroon. With a musical presence that dates back almost 15 years (although her first official track was released in 2013 – “Tat’ Obasseh”), Askia has been through so much turmoil that could be shared between five separate people; from domestic molestation to being raped in the worst scenario (under the rain in a gushing gutter), fighting a toxic drug addiction to loosing a pregnancy. Askia still stands strong with a beautiful angel to call her “mum”.

Through all these, music has always been her happy place as it not only helped calm the pain but gave her a way to let it all out. Her catalog is proof of this with songs like “No worry”, “Feel me’ , “Panda remix” and “Welcome 4 Kwata” featuring Skidi Boy that marked her footprint, her recent release titled “Prison” (staring talented comedian Cabral Nanjip – ) sees her break free from bondage of any sort as she went on a work/leisure trip to the UAE after it’s release.
This might have been a reply to many critics inaudibly saying “I can’t kill myself for anyone because there’s so much to enjoy in this life”

We honor her courage in today’s slot as we look forward to her upcoming project with former lablemate, “The Lion Of Africa” AKA Mr Leo titled “Ngar Ma”

Get to her on the links below
Instagram: @askiaofficial