We’re All Liquid: An Art Exhibition to provide Clean Water

“What is talent if we cannot use it to champion causes that can benefit our direct communities and the world at large?” says Kreative Kwame, who leads this ambitious project.

He and Eva Boeree (curator) with the generosity of LiveBuild & Humaniforest are embarking on a project that will see 700 school children & surrounding members of the Debunscha community. Artists William & Romaric are also on board this water providing project.

Picture this – a community with about 3,000 inhabitants, with a record number of rainfall & overall wetness, a village that lies on the flanks of Mount Cameroon, where there are plenty of water sources but one without clean water – this is Dedundcha.

The We’re All Liquid event and art exposition will be dedicated to raise awareness and funds for the construction of a solar operated borehole in Debundscha. A portion of Ticket sales, sale of art pieces & donations will fund the Debunscha Water Project. But it doesn’t stop there, this project will also showcase Cameroon art to the world, building a profitable bridge between Art & Social Responsibility.

What will the funds be used for exactly you ask –
“our local experts propose to solve the water problem by drilling for groundwater and connecting it to a solar-powered pump.
“Since Debundscha doesn’t have favorable circumstances for a water system. Which is normally our first choice, we decided to drill a borehole and provide a filter system and proper care for clean (drinking) water” – says Eva Boeree, event curator & director.

We believe in the importance of a project like this and urge our followers to help them raise funds by contacting: 677996557 | 655582725 or email wereallliquid@gmail.com

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